2024 Work-Share

We are looking for a handful of individuals who can commit to helping at the farm 3 hrs once a week in exchange for a valued Veggie Share.

Work-shares are for folks who enjoy working outside, would like a personal connection with local agriculture, and/or would like to expand their farming knowledge.


Spring Work-Share: Help prep and plant the fields! We are asking 3 hrs once a week for 4 weeks starting in mid-May. Because we will not have fresh veggies at that time, individuals will receive one large Fall Veggie Share in late-September, valued at $155.

Summer Work-Share: For individuals who can commit to 3 hrs once a week throughout our 10 week growing season in exchange for a weekly Veggie Share, valued at $38 week. Starts in early July.


Work-shares help with tasks such as planting, harvesting, weeding, and other various activities that help streamline the farm. These tasks are physical and will most likely require squatting, kneeling, bending, ect. for long periods. Arriving on the same day and same time is extremely valued! While previous farm/ gardening experience is helpful it is not required. 

Veggie shares will include a mix of what is growing in the field and reflect the seasonality of the farm: lettuce, salad mix, kale, collards, swiss chard, carrots, broccoli, turnips, tomato, beets, peas, green beans, garlic, green onions, winter squash, brussel sprouts, leeks, ect.

Please make a note that we have TWO locations! Pearl Creek (off Herreid Road) and Cripple Creek Road. Available hours are Monday- Friday. We will coordinate with each individual on their preferred location, schedule, and veggie pickup.

Please fill out this brief survey and we will be in contact with you.